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Loyalty club

Loyalty club

What benefits will I get?

How does it work?

What are the rules?

  • Points for the order are added automatically only after it has been accepted.
  • In the case of a returned order, the earned loyalty points for the given order will be cancelled.
  • The current number of points will be displayed in your shopping cart after logging into your customer account.
  • The maximum number of points redeemed for 1 purchase is 50% of the total value of the purchase.
  • Points obtained for a purchase can only be used for the next order.
  • Points cannot be used for postage and packaging.
  • Points can only be collected if you have created a customer account and are logged in. The box for redeeming points is only displayed during a purchase after logging into the customer account.
  • Loyalty points can only be redeemed at the kompava.eu e-shop. KOMPAVA loyalty club is intended exclusively for our customers.
  • Obtaining a monetary discount is conditional on the subscription of our news.

Example of discount application

You have 84 points on your customer account = €8.40 discount. However, the rule applies that the applied discount can be in the amount of a maximum of 50% of the total value of the order. This means that if the total value of your order is €15, you can claim a maximum discount of €7.5, or 75 points. The remaining 9 points will remain in your customer account for your next purchase.

What should I do if I have a problem redeeming my points?

Check if you are logged in to your customer account and if you have accumulated points for past purchases. If, despite this, you have a problem with applying loyalty points, do not hesitate to contact us at webmaster@kompava.sk. We will be happy to help you.