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Indicator Papers 3in1 3-Test

With 3in1 3-Test Indicator Papers, you will perform a simple, short and important self-examination, which can reveal dangerous damage to the body! By measuring the pH of urine, we can check the current state of health of the body and prevent threats to health.

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Product description

Indication papers 3in1 3-Test KOMPAVA help to easily and simply determine the pH of the organism from the urine (identify acidification of the organism or alkalosis), the level of excreted sugar (diabetes, kidneys) and indicate the increased amount of excreted proteins (diabetes, kidneys). All these indications lead to the early prevention of diseases and illnesses and to the healthy functioning of the organism.

The principle is based on a change in the color reaction of a plastic strip, which has an agent applied to the reaction surfaces, which, after contact with urine, reacts to produce a color change due to a chemical reaction. A color change indicates the presence of certain substances in the urine that signal unwanted changes in the body. Test papers are an orientation examination with a quick output, for a correct determination of a possible diagnosis, visit a specialist.

Usage directions

How do you properly measure the concentration of substances in the urine?

Measure the values ​​from the morning urine and follow the rule of the so-called medium urine flow. This means letting some of the urine drain before you take a sample or soak the paper directly. Place the paper on absorbent paper, which sucks out excess urine, and after about 60 seconds evaluate the color of the reagent zones according to the color scale on the canister.

Determination of urine pH - Normal urine pH is 5.0 - 7.0. One of the functions of the kidneys is to regulate the acid-base balance, and therefore any deviation can signal a number of diseases. Deviations from this value may be associated with urinary tract infections and are also a risk factor for urinary stones (high and low pH), urogenital tract disorders, acidosis (acidification) ...

After about 60 seconds, the color of the indicator paper is read from a 6-point scale.

  • pH 6 - optimum
  • pH 6.5 - optimum
  • pH 7 - alkalosis
  • pH 7.5 - alkalosis
  • pH 8
  • pH 8.5

In a healthy person, the pH of urine depends to a large extent on the diet. This means that if we consume too much acidic foods (meat, sweets, coffee, alcohol ...) the urine will be acidic, if, on the contrary, we eat more plant foods, we avoid sugar, smoking, stress, our urine will be more alkaline.

Determination of sugar level

Under normal circumstances, a healthy organism does not have sugar in the blood, which means that it should not even be in the urine. However, if it appears in the urine, it means an increased level in the blood. This increase signals a possible disease of type I or II diabetes. It can also be excessive single use of glucose, kidney disorders ...

After about 30 seconds, the color of the indicator paper is read from a 5-point scale.

  • Negative (+)
  • 5mmol / l (++)
  • 15 mmol / l (+++)
  • 30 mmol / l (++++)
  • 60 mmol / l

If sugar is indicated in the urine, blood plasma and blood glucose levels should be tested to detect or eliminate diabetes mellitus.

Determination of proteins

Proteins are excreted only in small amounts in healthy individuals (0.3 g / day). The current urinary protein content can be measured using the 3-Test indicator paper. After about 60 seconds, the color of the indicator paper is read from a 5-point scale.

  • Negative (+)
  • Footprints (++)
  • 0.3g / l (+++)
  • 1g / l (++++)
  • 3g / l

If bacteria, blood, some ammonia compounds, some drugs (penilcillin, sulfoamides, cephalosporins) are present in the urine, they may adversely affect the result. An increased value may indicate kidney disease or urinary tract infections, excessive presence of certain proteins in the blood ...

Proteinuria (protein in the urine) occurs mainly in: flu, fever, severe hyperlordosis, pregnancy, extreme physical activity (mild proteinuria in athletes may be completely normal), anemia, heart failure, high blood pressure, often are the cause of kidney disorders and diseases, tumors, thrombosis in the kidney vessels ...

A good drinking regime is a good prevention and protection of kidney disease, thorough intimate hygiene in women, avoid inflammation of the legs and back. Take care of a good immune system, limit your intake of sugars and 6 omega fatty acids

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