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Práve teraz si tovar pozerá 10 zákazníkov

The K4 Power nutritional supplement is ideal for demanding endurance training and aerobic sports. It uses the synergistic effect of pre-workout (A-AKG, BCAA Forte, L-carnitine, ThermoFit) and training stimulant (BCAA Forte, A-AKG, Taurine, ThermoFit). Tested by European champions in off-road triathlon... Read more

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Product description

Duo K4 Power was created in cooperation with Slovak representatives in field triathlon, Peter Hertl (European Champion in field triathlon 2010 in the category of 30-34 years) and Tomáš Jurkovič (European Champion in field triathlon 2010 in team competition). Thanks to cooperation with top athletes, we have created a product with maximum effect and effect for improving sports performance!

The green K4 Power BEFORE sports performance includes:

4kps. A-AKG 450mg, 3kps. BCAA Forte 400mg, 2kps. L-carnitine 500mg, 1kps. ThermoFit 450mg

In the red K4 Power package DURING sports performance are:

4 kps. BCAA Forte 400mg, 3kps. A-AKG 450mg, 2kps. Taurine 600mg, 1pc. ThermoFit 450mg

Individual components of K4 Power:


  • suitable for intense physical exercise


  • biological precursor of creatine, NO (nitric oxide), L-proline, L-glutamine


  • thanks to green tea extract and hot orange, it supports lipid metabolism
  • contributes to normal mental state, performance and concentration

Amino BCAA

  • protect muscle mass from catabolism during increased physical exertion
  • serve as a source of immediate energy

L-carnitine *:

  • mediates energy through skeletal muscle and contributes to the utilization of fats in muscle tissue
  • has a positive effect on physical performance and endurance
  • improves the regeneration of the body

* based on scientific studies

Recommended intake

  • Use the contents of the box intended BEFORE the sports performance once about 30 minutes before the sports activity.
  • Use the contents of the can DURING the sports performance once in the middle of the total length of the sports activity.

Serving instructions

Swallow with sufficient amount of water. 

Nutritional values

K4 Power PRED výkonom obsahuje:
4kps. A-AKG 450mg, 3kps. BCAA Forte 400mg, 2kps. L-karnitín 500mg, 1kps. ThermoFit 450mg.

K4 power POČAS výkonu obsahuje:
4 kps. BCAA Forte 400mg, 3kps. A-AKG 450mg, 2kps. Taurín 600mg, 1ks. ThermoFit 450mg.


Nevhodné pre deti, tehotné a dojčiace ženy. Stanovená denná odporúčaná dávka sa nesmie presiahnuť. Nesmie sa používať ako náhrada pestrej a vyváženej stravy a zdravého životného štýlu. Nevystavujte priamemu slnečnému svetlu. Skladujte v suchom prostredí, v dobre uzavretom obale, pri teplote do 25°C, mimo dosahu malých detí.

Rozhodnutie ÚVZSR OHBBPKV/4113/2008/Ht

No doping – výrobok neobsahuje žiadnu látku zo Zoznamu zakázaných látok Svetového Antidopingového kódexu. Výrobok neobsahuje konzervačné látky, syntetické farbivá, ani geneticky modifikované suroviny. NO alergens – neobsahuje žiadne alergény

  • L-carnitine

    500 mg
  • Taurine

    600 mg
  • A-AKG

    450 mg
K4 Power

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