General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Online store 

I. Identification of the trader

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "GTC") govern the legal relations between the company


Business name: KOMPAVA spol. s r. o.

Registered office: Piešťanská 1202/44, Nové Mesto nad Váhom 915 01, Slovak Republic

Registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Trenčín, Section: Sro, Insert No. 10030/R

Company ID: 36 293 296

Tax ID: 2020181724

VAT number: SK2020181724, according to §4, registration from 1.3.1998

Bank account: SK 29 0900 0000 0051 8203 0966


The seller is a value added tax payer


(hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" or "Retailer") and any person who is a Buyer of products offered by the Seller on the Seller's Website and who acts in the position of a consumer within the meaning of other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and relevant laws defining a consumer, within the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic, in particular the following acts: Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended,  Act No., Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, as amended,


1.2. E-mail contact and telephone contact to the Seller is:



Tel. no.: 032/77 400 11


1.3 The address for sending documents, complaints, withdrawals from contracts is:


KOMPAVA spol. s r. o., Piešťanská 1202/44, 915 01 Nové Mesto nad Váhom,

Slovak Republic

II. Definitions 

2.1. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the Merchant, in accordance with the law,

No. 108/2024 Coll., as amended, lists and defines the following terms: 

2.2. A distance contract means a contract between a trader and a consumer negotiated and concluded exclusively by one or more means of distance communication without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, in particular by means of an online interface, electronic mail, telephone, fax, address letter or offer catalogue

2.3. A trader (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller") is a person who, in connection with a consumer contract, an obligation arising therefrom or a commercial practice, acts in the course of his business or profession, including through another person acting on his behalf or on his behalf.

2.4. A consumer is a natural person who does not act in the course of his business or profession in connection with a consumer contract, an obligation arising therefrom or a commercial practice.

2.5. A consumer contract is any contract, regardless of the legal form, concluded by a trader with a consumer.

2.6. The term Online Shop is identical to the term E-Shop and the term Website.

2.7. The Buyer is any person (natural person or legal entity) who has placed an order, in particular using the Seller's website, or other means of distance communication.

2.8. Durable medium means which enables the consumer or trader to store information addressed to the consumer or trader for a period of time which corresponds to the purpose for which the information fulfils and in a manner which permits its unaltered reproduction and future use, in particular a letter, e-mail, USB stick, CD, DVD, memory card


III. Basic provisions

3.1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the legal relations between Buyers who are consumers and the Seller.

3.2. The provisions of the law apply to contractual relations (as well as other legal relationships that may arise from the contractual relationship) with Buyers who do not act as consumers

No. 513/1991 Coll. of the Commercial Code, as amended.

VI. Product Order – Conclusion of the Purchase Contract

4.1. A proposal for concluding a purchase contract by the Buyer is the sending of an order for products by the Buyer carried out mainly using the Retailer's website, or by other means of distance communication.

4.2. The Purchase Contract between the Buyer and the Retailer is concluded at the moment of delivery of the confirmation of receipt of the order to the Buyer, which the Buyer has created in accordance with clause 4.1 of these GTC by the Retailer (electronically to the Buyer's e-mail address selected by the Buyer in the process of creating the order).

V. Method of shopping:

  • Choose the goods - you can choose the goods in the individual categories and sections of the e-shop. If you want to purchase the goods, select the desired quantity and weight, or flavor and press "Add to cart" in the product details.
  • Shopping cart - in the cart you can clearly see all your ordered goods with the appropriate quantity, weight, flavor and price for the goods (here you can freely change the number of pieces, delete cart items, add products to the cart). If the selected goods are in order and you want to continue with the order, go to the delivery details by pressing the "Continue"
  • Information about you - fill in all the necessary data to process the order and its subsequent delivery, and press the "Continue" icon to continue.
  • Transport – select the appropriate mode of transport and press the "Continue" icon to continue.
  • Payment – select the appropriate payment method and press the "Continue" icon to continue.
  • Order summary – please check the type of goods, number, flavor, your personal information needed to deliver the goods, shipping method and payment. If everything is in order, agree to the terms and conditions by checking the icon and complete the order by pressing the "Order with payment obligation" icon.

The order is received within 24 hours, you will be automatically informed about the receipt of the order by sending an email with a Confirmation of Receipt of the Order, which also includes the order number under which we record your order. If necessary, all further information regarding your order will be sent to the e-mail address you entered. With the confirmation of receipt of the order, a purchase contract is created.

Cancellation of the order, modification of the data provided - the data and content of the order can be changed via the e-mail address immediately, but no later than 1 hour after its creation and confirmation.

VI. Duration of the purchase contract

6.1. The Purchase Contract is concluded for a definite period of time and terminates in particular upon the fulfilment of all obligations of the Seller and the Buyer. In particular, by delivery and payment of products in accordance with the concluded purchase contract. This provision does not affect the rights of the Buyer in terms of legal liability for defects of products by the Retailer.

VII. Purchase price information on the purchase price

7.1. The price of goods and services ordered through the Seller's Website (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchase Price") is stated separately for each product and is valid at the time of placing the order by the Buyer.

7.2. The purchase price of goods or services listed on the Seller's Website is the total price of the goods or services, including all taxes, and is clearly stated on the Seller's Website.

VIII. Delivery of Products

8.1. If the Buyer has chosen cash on delivery as the form of payment for the order. The Seller is obliged to fulfil the order and deliver the products to the Buyer within 30 days from the date of conclusion of the purchase contract in accordance with point 4.2 et seq. of these GTC.

8.1.1. In the event that the Buyer has chosen a form of payment other than cash on delivery as the form of payment for the order, the Seller is obliged to fulfill the order and deliver the products to the Buyer no later than 30 days from the date of concluding the Purchase Contract in accordance with Article 4.2 et seq. of these GTC and paying the total price of the order to the Seller. In the event that both conditions specified in Article 7.1.1 of these GTC have been met (i.e. if the purchase contract has been concluded and the total price of the order has been paid to the Seller), the Seller is obliged to deliver the products to the Buyer within 30 days from the date of fulfilment of both of these conditions.

The delivery time is within 2 working days from the date of ordering, if the goods are ordered by 12:00 p.m., the goods are delivered on the next working day, if the goods are ordered later, the delivery time is 48 working hours. In the event that it is not possible to process the order or some goods are not in stock, we will inform you of this fact by phone or e-mail.

IX. Transfer of ownership

9.1. The ownership right to the sold item and the risk of accidental destruction, accidental deterioration and loss of the item passes to the Buyer at the moment of delivery.

X. Payment Methods

10.1. You may pay for goods and services on the Seller's Website in the following ways:

10.1.1. Payment upon personal pick-up at a Kompava store – price 0 Eur

10.1.2. Payment by cash on delivery in case of delivery to the address – price 1.90 Eur

10.1.3. Online payment via the CardPay payment gateway – price 0 Eur

  1. Shipping costs – methods of transport of products and the price for their transport

11.1. The purchase price of goods or services does not include transport costs or other costs related to the delivery of products

11.2. Shipping methods and shipping costs for ordered products:

11.2.1. Forms of transport: service point Personal collection

11.2.2.Transport Prices: Price for transport by UPS Courier Service – price 3.90 Eur Price for transport by Courier service Packeta – price 2.90 Eur Price for transport via BalíkoBox courier service – price 3.50 Eur Price in case of personal collection in the store of Kompava – Nové Mesto nad Váhom – price 0 Eur 

11.3. In the event that the total purchase price of the products in one order of the Buyer is higher than the amount of 70 Euros, the price for any selected form of transport is 0 Euros.

In the case of larger packages, the shipping price may increase, we will inform you about this change in advance. The price of shipping abroad is a minimum of 25.00 EUR, the price may change depending on the weight of the packages, in any case, we inform the customer in advance about the final shipping price.


12.1. Buying in the online store brings its benefits! If you regularly shop with us through your created account, you are entitled to loyalty points that you can use for your purchases. Loyalty and registration bring only benefits to our customers. Your individual purchases so far are automatically recorded.

Conditions of the loyalty system:

12.1.1 You earn points by shopping in our e-shop in your own account (after logging in), you will earn 1 point for every euro spent (e.g. purchase 50 EUR = 50 points).

12.1.2. The value of 1 point is EUR 0.10 (e.g. if you have 50 points in your account, your discount on the purchase is EUR 5.00).

12.1.3. You redeem the points in your account in the first step of the purchase process (In the cart).

12.1.4. Points cannot be used for postage and handling, postage will always be counted for orders up to EUR 70.00.

12.1.5. The maximum amount of points redeemed for 1 purchase is 50% of the total value of the order.

XIII. Buyer's withdrawal from the purchase contract without giving a reason

13.1.The Consumer has the right to withdraw from a distance contract and from a contract concluded outside the business premises of the Retailer without giving a reason within the time limit pursuant to Article XII (a) of the Consumer Agreement. 12.1 to 13.3 of these GTC, except for the contract the subject matter of:

13.2. Provision of the service, if the service has been fully provided and the provision of the service has begun before the expiry of the withdrawal period with the consumer's express consent and the consumer has declared that he has been duly instructed that by expressing his consent, he loses the right to withdraw from the contract after the full provision of the service, if the consumer is obliged to pay the price under the contract,

13.3. Delivery or provision of a product, the price of which depends on the movement of prices on the financial market, which the Trader cannot influence and which may occur during the withdrawal period,

13.4. Delivery of goods made to the consumer's specifications or custom-made goods,

13.5. Delivery of goods that are subject to rapid degradation or perishability,

13.6. Delivery of goods enclosed in protective packaging, which is not suitable for health protection or hygienic reasons, if the protective packaging has been broken after delivery,

13.7. Supply of goods which, due to their nature, may be inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery,

13.8. Delivery of alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the time of concluding the contract, while their delivery can be made no earlier than after 30 days and their price depends on the movement of prices on the market, which the trader cannot influence,

13.9.Carrying out urgent repairs or maintenance during a visit to the consumer that the consumer has expressly requested from the trader; this does not apply to a contract which has as its object the provision of a service other than repair or maintenance, and to a contract which has as its object the supply of goods other than spare parts necessary for the repair or maintenance to be carried out, if the contracts were concluded during the trader's visit to the consumer and the consumer did not order those goods or services in advance,

13.10. Delivery of phonograms, video recordings, audiovisual recordings or software in protective packaging that has been tampered with after delivery,

13.11. Supply of periodicals other than its supply under a subscription agreement,

13.12.Goods purchased at a public auction,

13.13. Provision of accommodation services for a purpose other than housing, transport of goods, car rental, provision of catering services or provision of services related to leisure activities, if the Trader is to provide these services at a precisely agreed time or within a precisely agreed period of time,

13.14.Supply of digital content supplied by the trader other than on a tangible medium, where the supply of the digital content has begun and the consumer has given explicit consent to start the supply of the digital content before the expiry of the withdrawal period, has declared that he has been duly informed that by giving his consent, he loses the right of withdrawal by starting the supply of the digital content, and the trader has provided the consumer with a confirmation pursuant to Article 17(12)(b) or (13)(b )Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, if the consumer is obliged to pay the price under the contract.

XIV. Exercising the right of withdrawal from a distance contract and a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises

14.1.The consumer may withdraw from a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises until

a)14 days from the date of

receipt of the goods by the consumer pursuant to point 12.4.

the conclusion of a contract the subject of which is the provision of a service,

concluding a contract for the supply of water that is not for sale in a limited volume or in a specified quantity, and a contract for the supply and consumption of heat,

concluding a contract for the supply of digital content supplied by the trader other than on a tangible medium;

(b)30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract in the case of or in connection with an unsolicited visit or in connection with or in connection with a sales event.

14.2.If the trader has provided the consumer with specific information regarding the instruction on the consumer's right to withdraw from the contract in the case of a distance contract and a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises only subsequently, but no later than 12 months after the start of the period for withdrawal under point 12.1, the consumer may withdraw from the distance contract or from the contract concluded outside the trader's business premises until

(a)14 days from the date on which the trader subsequently complied with the information obligation in the case of the running of the time limit referred to in point (a) of 12.1., or

(b)30 days from the date on which the trader has subsequently complied with the information obligation, in the case of the running of the time limit referred to in paragraph 12.1, point (b).

14.3.If the trader has not provided the consumer with specific information regarding the information on the consumer's right of withdrawal in the case of a distance contract and a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises or under point of paragraph 12.2, the consumer may withdraw from the distance contract or from the contract concluded outside the trader's business premises within 12 months of the expiry of the period under paragraph 12.1.

14.4.The goods are deemed to have been taken over by the consumer at the moment when the consumer or a third party designated by him, other than the carrier, takes over all parts of the ordered goods, or if the

(a)they deliver the goods ordered by the consumer in a single order separately, at the moment of receipt of the goods that were delivered last,

(b)supplies goods consisting of several parts or pieces, at the moment of receipt of the last part or the last piece;

(c)the goods are delivered repeatedly over a period of time, at the moment of receipt of the first goods.

14.5.The Consumer may withdraw from a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the business premises of the Trader, the subject of which is the delivery of goods, even before the start of the withdrawal period.

14.6.The Consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal from a distance contract or from a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises in paper form or in the form of an entry on another durable medium, and if the contract was concluded orally, any clearly worded statement of the Consumer expressing the consumer's will to withdraw from the contract (hereinafter referred to as the "notice of withdrawal") is sufficient for the consumer to exercise the consumer's right to withdraw from the contract. The consumer can use the model withdrawal form.

14.7.The withdrawal period pursuant to paragraphs 12.1 to 12.3 shall be deemed to have been met if the Consumer sends a notice of withdrawal to the Trader no later than the last day of the period.

14.8.The Consumer may withdraw from the Contract only in relation to a specific product or products if the Trader has supplied or provided several Products on the basis of a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the Trader's business premises.

14.9.The burden of proof of the exercise of the right of withdrawal is on the consumer.

XV. Rights and obligations of the consumer after withdrawal from a distance contract and a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises

15.1.The Consumer is obliged, within 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the distance contract or from the contract concluded outside the business premises of the Retailer pursuant to Clause 12.1, to send back the goods or hand over the goods to the Trader or a person designated by the Trader to take over the goods; This does not apply if the trader offers to collect the goods in person or through a person designated by the trader. The time limit referred to in the first sentence shall be deemed to have been complied with if the consumer sends the goods to the trader no later than the last day of the time limit.

15.2.In the event of withdrawal from a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises pursuant to point 12.1, the consumer shall only bear the costs of returning the goods to the trader or a person designated by the trader to take over the goods; this does not apply if the trader has agreed to bear the costs himself, or if the trader has not complied with the information obligation, i.e. if the trader has not provided the consumer with specific information regarding the information on the consumer's right of withdrawal in the case of distance contracts and contracts concluded outside the trader's business premises

15.3.The Consumer shall be liable for the decrease in the value of the Goods resulting from the handling of the Goods, which is beyond the treatment necessary to determine the characteristics and functionality of the Goods; this does not apply if the Trader has not fulfilled the information obligation under Section 15(1)(f) Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended.

15.4.The Consumer is obliged to pay the Trader the price for the performance actually provided by the date of delivery of the notice of withdrawal from the Contract, if the Consumer withdraws from a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the Trader's business premises pursuant to Section 19 (1) of Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended,  the subject of which is the provision of a service, the supply of water that is not for sale in a limited volume or in a specified quantity, or the supply of heat, and has given explicit consent pursuant to Section 17 (10) (c) of Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, prior to the commencement of the provision of performance. The price for the service actually provided is calculated on the basis of the total price agreed in the contract. The price for the service actually provided is calculated on the basis of the market price of the service provided, if the total price agreed in the contract is overvalued.

15.5.The Consumer does not incur any other obligations or costs from the exercise of the right of withdrawal from a distance contract concluded or from a contract concluded outside the business premises of the Merchant pursuant to 11.1.


XVI. Rights and obligations of the trader following the consumer's withdrawal from a distance contract and a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises

16.1.Within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal, the Trader shall refund to the Consumer all payments received from the Consumer on the basis of or in connection with a distance contract, a contract concluded outside the Trader's business premises or an ancillary contract, including the costs of transport, delivery, postage and other costs and fees.

16.2.The Trader is obliged to refund to the Consumer all payments pursuant to paragraph 14.1 to the extent corresponding to the withdrawal from the Contract, if the Consumer has not withdrawn from the entire distance contract or from the entire contract concluded outside the Trader's business premises. The trader cannot charge the consumer additional costs for transport, delivery, postage and other costs and fees.

16.3.The Trader is not obliged to reimburse the Consumer for additional costs if the Consumer has expressly chosen a method of delivery other than the cheapest conventional method of delivery offered by the Trader. Additional costs are the difference between the delivery costs chosen by the consumer and the cost of the cheapest conventional delivery method offered by the trader.

16.4.The trader cannot require the consumer to reimburse the costs of

  1. a) the provision of a service, the supply of water that is not for sale in a limited volume or in a specified quantity, or the supply of heat during the period for withdrawal from the contract pursuant to points 12.1 to 12.3, regardless of the extent of the performance provided, if:

the trader has not provided the consumer with information pursuant to Section 15 (1) (f) or (h)  of Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, or

the consumer has not given the trader explicit consent to start providing a service or supplying water or heat pursuant to Section 17(10)(c) Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended,

(b)the supply, in whole or in part, of digital content supplied by the trader other than on a tangible medium, where:

the consumer has not given the trader explicit consent to start supplying the digital content pursuant to Article 17(10)(c) Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended,

the consumer has not declared that he has been duly informed that by giving his consent under the first point, he loses the right to withdraw from the contract, or

the trader has not provided the consumer with a confirmation pursuant to Section 17 (12) (b) or (13) (b)  of Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended.

16.5.In the event of withdrawal from a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the trader's business premises for the delivery of goods, the Trader shall not be obliged to reimburse the Consumer under Clause 14.1 before the goods are delivered to the Trader or until the Consumer proves that the goods have been sent back to the Trader, unless the Trader offers to collect the goods in person or through a person designated by the Trader.

16.6.The Trader shall be obliged to refund the Consumer the payments referred to in Clause 14.1 in the same manner as the Consumer used to pay for them; This is without prejudice to the trader's right to agree with the consumer on another method of payment, provided that the consumer is not charged any fees in connection with the payment.

16.7.The Trader is obliged to arrange for the collection of the goods at its own expense within the period specified in paragraph 14.1., if, on the basis of a contract concluded outside the business premises of the Trader, the goods were delivered to the consumer's home at the time of concluding the contract and, taking into account the nature of the goods, it is not possible to send the goods back to the trader by post.

16.8.The unilateral set-off of claims by the trader and the consumer arising from the withdrawal from the contract pursuant to point 11.1 is prohibited.

XVII. Supervisory authority

17.1.The competent authority supervising the legality of consumer protection is:

SOI Inspectorate for the Trenčín RegionHurbanova 59, 911 01 TrenčínDepartment
of Supervision
tel. no. 032/640 01 09, 032/640 01 08

Web link for submitting suggestions:


XVIII. Alternative dispute resolution

18.1.In the event that the Consumer is not satisfied with the manner in which the Seller handled his complaint or believes that the Seller has violated his rights, the Buyer has the right to turn to the Seller with a request for redress. If the Seller responds to the consumer's request under the previous sentence in the negative or fails to respond to such a request within 30 days from the date of its sending by the consumer, the consumer has the right to file a motion to initiate an alternative dispute resolution pursuant to the provision of Section 12 of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Dispute Resolution of Consumer Disputes and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended. The competent entity for alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes with the Seller is the Slovak Trade Inspection (contact can be found, or another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution entities maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list is available on the website or directly on the website

The consumer has the right to choose which of these alternative dispute resolution entities to contact. A consumer can use the online dispute resolution platform available on the website or directly on  the website to submit a request for alternative dispute resolution for their consumer dispute. Alternative dispute resolution may only be used by the Buyer, who acts in the position of a consumer when concluding and performing the contract. Alternative dispute resolution only concerns a dispute between the consumer and the Seller, arising out of or in connection with a consumer contract. Alternative dispute resolution only concerns contracts concluded at a distance. An alternative dispute resolution entity may reject the application if the quantifiable value of the dispute does not exceed the amount of EUR 20. The ADR entity may require the consumer to pay a fee for initiating an alternative dispute resolution up to a maximum of EUR 5 including VAT.

All other information regarding the alternative resolution of disputes between the Seller and the Buyer – Consumer arising from the Purchase Contract as a consumer contract or related to the Purchase Contract as a consumer contract is provided on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and in Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Dispute Resolution of Consumer Disputes and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended. 

XVIIII. Additional provisions

19.1. The Seller shall not conclude a purchase contract or sell, intermediate or deliver alcoholic beverages/products/products/, tobacco products and other products to persons (Buyers) who have not reached the age of 18 at the time of concluding the purchase and sale contract, and the sale of which is prohibited to persons under 18 years of age, in accordance with and in accordance with the valid and effective legal regulations of the Slovak Republic. In connection with the above, the Seller verifies the fulfilment of the condition of reaching the age of 18 of the Buyer by checking the age by means of the Buyer's identity document (ID card or passport), when handing over the order to the Buyer. The Seller will do this through an authorized person who is to deliver the order to the Buyer. In the event that the Buyer has not reached the age of 18, or if the Buyer does not prove or refuses to prove his age, the Seller will not hand over the order to the Buyer and the purchase contract will expire.

XX. Information on adopted codes

20.1.The Seller informs consumers that there are no specifically relevant codes of conduct to which the Seller has committed to adhere to them, whereby a code of conduct means an agreement or a set of rules that define the conduct of the Seller who has committed to comply with this code of conduct in relation to one or more specific business practices or business sectors, unless these are provided for by law,  or any other legal regulation or measure of a public authority that the Seller has undertaken to comply with, and the manner in which the consumer may become acquainted with them or obtain the text thereof.

XXI. Product evaluation by consumers

21.1.The Merchant does not control and limit the rating of the Products to persons who have purchased the Product from the Merchant only.

XXII. Final provisions

22.1. The Seller reserves the right to change the General Terms and Conditions. The obligation to notify the General Terms and Conditions in writing is fulfilled by its placement on the Seller's Website. In the event of a change in the General Terms and Conditions, the relationship between the Buyer and the Seller shall be governed by the General Terms and Conditions valid and effective at the time of conclusion of the Purchase and Sale Agreement, until the moment of its termination.

22.2. These General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the Complaints Procedure and the Privacy Policy and Instruction of this Website. Documents - the Complaints Procedure and the Privacy Policy and Instructions of this Website are published on the domain of the Seller's Website.

23.3. These General Terms and Conditions come into force and effect upon their publication on the Seller's Website on 01.07.2024