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Are you dieting, but don't have enough protein? See what's at risk
Are you dieting, but don't have enough protein? See what's at risk

Are you dieting, but don't have enough protein? See what's at risk

Are you dieting, but don't have enough protein? See what's at risk

More than 2 billion people worldwide are currently overweight. As for Slovakia, more than half of the adult population is overweight - and these numbers are growing every year ... Overweight brings with it an increased risk of musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease and cancer.


We speak of overweight when the BMI (Body Mass Index) has a value between 25-30, while obesity is defined at a BMI above 30. 1, 2

More than 80% of today's teenagers lack physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle affects not only their lifestyle habits but also their health. A study of risk factors for higher body weight in 13-14 year olds showed that, depending on social background and gender, teen bad habits (excessive time spent on screens, skipping breakfast, absence of sports activity) may be related to weight gain.

Overweight and obesity in this generation is a global public health problem, as this category of the population is at risk of developing health problems in adulthood.1, 3

What are people's concerns about their weight?

According to the survey, up to 48% of the world's population is concerned about their own overweight in old age (Euromonitor International, 2020). Most people today are aware of the risks of excessive weight gain and are concerned about their health and how they feel. A two-year survey showed that in 2015-2016, many more people tried to lose weight compared to 2007-2008 (almost 50% of American adults). 4

In the summer, many of us want to adjust our weight because we want to feel good physically and emotionally well in our body.

What products can help with weight control?

In the market of products focused on weight adjustment, we distinguish two categories:

  • Weight loss products - are designed for people who want to lose weight without exercise. The benefits of these products include partial or complete meal replacement to reduce caloric intake, and are often a rich source of protein and fiber.
  • Targeted nutrition products - these are nutritional supplements that ensure sufficient nutrients during exercise. Public interest in these products is constantly growing.

What types of weight loss products do we know?

In the last year, the main food substitutes have been beverages with weight loss ingredients, representing 55% of all weight control products sold.

The most popular were food-replacing beverages in the Asia-Pacific region (49% of sales, Euromonitor, 2020). Most weight loss drinks contain protein (74%, of which 38% contains more than 10% protein).

The rest of weight control products represent 45% of food (bars, breakfast cereals, bakery products) - 88% of them also contain protein.

Most weight loss products appear to contain proteins. How do people perceive them?

Many pay more attention to diet when losing weight. Some increase their protein intake through a high-protein diet. As many as 70% of the population is aware of the importance of sufficient daily protein intake (FMCG Gurus, 2018).

Why are proteins a key ingredient in dietary weight control?

Dietary proteins have the following benefits:

  • Satiety - This ability of proteins helps maintain proper body weight;
  • Proteins increase energy expenditure;
  • They support the growth of muscle mass - proteins contain all the essential amino acids, including leucine, whose task is to synthesize muscles. Protein also reduces the loss of lean muscle mass. 5, 6, 7

Milk proteins are ideal for a weight management diet because they have an excellent amino acid profile.

The demand for nutritional supplements for the active lifestyle is rising on the market, at the expense of products for weight loss without exercise. Why?

Nutritional supplements for an active lifestyle are part of sports nutrition, and interest in sports nutrition is still growing (Euromonitor, 2020). Nutritional supplements for an active lifestyle can be defined as "a lifestyle with the primary goal of optimizing physical and mental performance." 8

In the past, weight management products have been designed for overweight people. Today, people want to maintain their weight and want to stay fit, because sports and nutrition are recognized pillars of health and contribute to the balance of active life. People look for functional foods full of nutrients, such as protein. 32% of the adult population, aged 45-54, consider personal physical fitness to be an important part of their identity. 9

Active nutrition foods are usually those that can be consumed anywhere - protein cocktails, protein bars, puddings, porridge, desserts, etc.

Proteins are a key component in weight control. They are recommended for healthy weight loss, maintenance and weight gain.

Is weight loss a key role in sports nutrition?

Weight loss is a key role in sports nutrition in the form of high-protein products (mainly drinks). The survey shows that the reasons for consuming sports nutrition differ between men and women (Euromonitor, 2019).

  • 36% of women and 26% of men consume sports nutrition products in order to lose weight;
  • 37% of women and 45% of men consume sports nutrition products in order to strengthen and shape muscles.

Women tend to lose more weight than men, for whom strength and muscle size are more important. 10

Are proteins also beneficial when gaining weight?

In addition to losing weight or gaining muscle mass, some people may simply need to gain weight - for example, seniors or people suffering from malnutrition. Nutritional protein drinks are recommended to maintain weight and prevent sarcopenia (progressive muscle loss).




[1] WHO, 2020. Obesity and overweight. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight (consulted on 06.18.2020)

[2] https://www.opoisteni.sk/poistny-trh/poistne-produkty/nadvahu-ma-viac-ako-polovica-obyvatelov-slovenska/c:20448/

[3] WHO, 2019. To grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more. https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/24-04-2019-to-grow-up-healthy-children-need-to-sit-less-and-play-more (consulted on 06.18.2020)

[4] Guignon N., et al., 2019. En 2017, des adolescents plutôt en meilleure santé physique mais plus souvent en surcharge pondérale. Direction de la recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques. Volume 1122, August 2019. Pages 1-6. https://drees.solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/er1122.pdf (consulted on 06.18.2020)

[5] Paddon-Jones, E. Westman, R.D. Mattes, R.R. Wolfe, A. Astrup, M. Westerterp-Plantenga, 2008. Protein, weight management, and satiety. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 87, Issue 5, May 2008, Pages 1558S–1561S. Pub May 01, 2008. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/87.5.1558S (consulted on 17.06.2020)

[6] Soenen S., Westerterp-Plantenga, Margriet S., 2008. Proteins and satiety: implications for weight management. Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. Vol 11:6, 747-751. Pub November 2008. https://doi.org/10.1097/MCO.0b013e328311a8c4 (consulted on 17.06.2020)

[7] Tappy, 1996. Thermic effect of food and sympathetis nervous system activity in humans. Reprod Nutr Dev. 36(4):391-7. Pub 1996.

[8] Euromonitor International, 2016. Passport. What is “Active Nutrition” and how can health and wellness players leverage the concept?

[9]  Mintel, 2019. Optimum nutrition launches products geared towards adults 40%.

[10] Euromonitor, December 2018. PassportNew Visions of Weight Management: A 2018 Update on Trends and Innovations.